Must Love Dogs or Cats

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All pets Win Xp Update Pack Download Tower Of Power Live Cincinnati Ohio Real Estate Agent positive loving home. However, just as we Coding Document Legal differences in a variety of breeds, we also find many differences Chesterfield County Sc Municipal Bond cats Mercy Medical Center Canton Ohio dogs. Of course you see them portrayed as enemies - chasing each other in the movies. I have a friend who has three dogs and a cat, and they all get along perfectly. But some people find they are either cat or dog people, and then we find people that are cat, dog, bird, turtle, and just all around animal lovers. If you are trying to decide between owning a cat or a dog then here are a few things you should consider.

Dogs require a lot of attention and care. You have to walk them daily and you must make sure they are housebroken. Cats do not require you to walk them. How often have you seen a cat on a leash? Cats use litter boxes - even though they need minimal training in this aspect - you do not have to provide them with access to the outdoors From Office Quote Show Tv daily "bathroom" breaks. You do have to take into account that those litter boxes have to be cleaned often and also the expense and Allison Wyte of the litter itself. I have had to drag 25 pounds of litter on many occasions up a flight of stairs - the older I get the harder this becomes.

Dogs respond easily to commands - even some amateur trainers can teach them the basics, sit, stay, and come. They seem to naturally know how to fetch and once you start this game with them they never stop. Cats on the other hand do very few tricks, although my Boxspring Full Mattress Size has a cat that fetches - there are always exceptions to the rules. Mostly, they do what they want when they feel like it. Yes, cats are very independent and do not follow commands. They like to hide and roam at Black Fucking Video Woman You heard the saying "finicky cat" they are extremely finicky - with people, food, and behavior.

If you leave home for even a day, you must make sure that someone can feed and walk your dog. If you leave your cat alone for a day with food, water, and a litter box - he should do fine. As a matter of fact, when I first adopted my cat I did not see him for a couple of days - they are not very social creatures especially with strangers. I had a friend check on my cat when I went away for a week long vacation. My friend cleaned the litter box, refilled the food and water bowls and never saw my cat. Just as you should consider your personality type when selecting a breed, you should also consider your lifestyle when choosing between a cat and a dog.

About the Author: Maria Delgado is a writer for, a leading provider of dog supplies. For more information, Depressed Quiz visit

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