A Time For Communicating Love


Communication makes Discovery Wallpaper world go 'round. That's Arizona Post Surgical Infection Lawyer variation on the original, which tells us that love makes the world go 'round Amateur Free Porn Real . . but aren't communication and love often interchangeable? While we can have communication without Lightning Audio Speaker is it really possible to have love without communication? I don't believe it is.

Sure, we can offer a sense of adoration towards - anyone or anything. If it's a tangible item, a wnon-living Nokia N95 China obviously we don't talk to it (or probably shouldn't, unless we'd like a vacation in a well-padded room). But though it's the most common form, talking isn't the only way to communicate. There are many others which convey our love to someone or something ithout Consolidation Credit Debt Loan Poor a sound.

We can love a certain color, or a type of car, or a specific design. Our predisposition toward an item or idea, in turn, relates to those around us, or anyone who comes in contact with our choices, how we feel in that particular moment. Our choices are a statement of who we are . . . those choices are a form of communication.

Never is that fact more Audio Editing Mac than during a specific, memorable time in our lives. There are few holidays in any given year that evoke as strong an emotion as does Christmas. While it means a myriad of things to different people, it is still a season that brings out feeling and sentiment, often in a passionate way. Otherwise, why would it always seem so important, even crucial, that we spend the day with family or truly close friends? Why is that particular day different than any other . . . where we might go to a diner by ourselves for a cup of coffee on any regular morning, on Christmas, we don't want to go anywhere alone. Being alone, it seems, means we have Victorinox Swisscard Lite one who cares.

True or not, we need the comfort of real communication during the most sacred of times in our lives. It's just human nature, the way we're wired. And if we can't be with that special someone, or those special someones, we can find consolation in sharing a letter or card with them . . . Wow Private Server Guide some bit of communication which lets us know we're being thought of on a day when we need to be in someone's heart and mind.

It's a funny thing, in a way. Communication is a two-way street. We go up one side, and hope to come back down the other . . . with someone beside us. When that's not physically possible, for whatever reason, we grab at the next possibility on the togetherness list - cards and letters.

I've had one true pet in my life. Nigel, the bestest cat ever, was with me for 18 years, through the raising of 2 boys, a not-so-good marriage, its dissolution and then the discovery of my soulmate. Nigel went through more with me than any other being in my whole life. He was my sidekick. When he died a few years ago, it was the first time I'd ever had to deal directly with death. For the most part, I shut down. Didn't cry at the veterinarian's office when I was told. Didn't see his body. Went home and shut it all out.

What forced me to address my loss? A sympathy card. I was at home alone about a week after he died. I checked my mailbox and found something addressed to me, with the veterinarian's return address. Hands shaking, I opened it to find a "We regret your loss" card, hand-signed by every employee in the office. I dropped the card and cried . . . long, hard, racking sobs. That one act of loving communication from the one place that truly understood how I felt forced me to finally grieve. It wasn't Christmas but it might as well have been. The By Email Find Someone staff gave me a gift of understanding . . . of communication. It was an act of thoughtful love which, for me, is a good explanation to the meaning of Christmas. Christmas is any time in which we practice, or receive, an act of thoughtful love.

Don't forget anyone you know during this year's holiday season, or during any season. If you have the power to think of someone, you have the power to let them know they're on your mind. You have no way of being certain they're not in a place where just your Christmas card in their hand, or a note of kindness, or your voice on the other end of the phone when they've woken up alone . . . might be the one thing that makes them feel loved that day.

Linda J. Alexander, http://www.myspace.com/lindajalexander, is a Maryland author and copywriter with 5 books and many articles on the market over the 20+ years she's written. She loves 123Print.com for marketing and personal communications.

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