Self Love is All About Acceptance


Many people think that in order to love themselves the following criteria must be met:

1. They must always know the right thing to do

2. They must never make mistakes

3. They must never let anybody down

4. They must never exercise lack of judgement

5. They must always know the right thing to say

The list could go on and on but you get the idea.

I don't know about you but I would fail on every one of these. The problem is that virtually everything you put an always or never in front of is unobtainable. The problem is perfectionism, I will say this right now, perfectionism is the enemy of self love. I learnt this from a very good friend of mine.

The way to self love is through acceptance its as simple as that. Yeah you just decide to accept yourself, warts and all. No ifs, no buts just do it. Say goodbye to perfectionism, kick it out the door rid it from your life and simply be who you are.

This does not mean that you will never change anything about yourself, it just means that you are not required to. In fact it will be much easier to make positive changes if you accept yourself as you are than if you don't. Why? Perfectionism again, if you can't accept yourself as you are, you will set your goals too high (unobtainable so) and will forever be putting off making the changes (procrastination).

Get it, dump perfectionism, accept yourself and get on with your life.

One more point, accepting yourself as you are implies accepting others as Home Motor Trader are so don't set unobtainable expectations for people around you either. So they will be happier you will be happier and together you will all achieve greater things.

I am a husband, and father of one son who works as an engineer. I became involved in writing articles about self improvement and positive attitude as part of a process of developing a more positive attitude to life myself.

I am committed to making my thoughts freely available to anybody who takes interest in reading my articles in the hope that they can similarly make their attitude more positive.

For anybody who is interested in improving their attitude to life and would like to see more of my articles or simply wants some advice on how they can feel better about themselves please visit my website - I am interested in any feedback about whether my articles are providing a positive benefit.

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