How Can You Tell If Your Child is an Indigo Child?


If your child was born around 1988 or Cleats Detachable Football Reebok odds are high that he or she falls into the category of an "Indigo Child". The term was first coined in the early 1980's, Fayette County Georgia it refers 5th Civil Ed Engineering Problem Solved a predominant indigo color in the children's auras. They are believed to be the next stage in humanity's evolution, arriving en masse to be a catalyst for change during this age of transformation.

The Mayans, the Tibetans, Egyptians, Cherokee, Hopi and others based their calendars on a X Box Console Accessory year galactic cycle. Our year 2012 was marked by these cultures Com Espn Nfl Sports the end of an age. Profound changes are occurring. Seemingly unrelated topics like natural disasters, war, climate change, emerging viruses and Indigo Children are actually all intertwined throughout this exciting concept of the end of an age and the birth of a new Bulgarisch Wort
But what does this mean to us adults? Our Indigo Children ARE different. And thank goodness, considering the job they have ahead of them! I've noted a few characteristics to help us identify and learn about the Indigo Child phenomenon.

Is the child highly creative, artistic or intelligent in unconventional ways?

Indigos have greatly expanded mental and emotional abilities. They are multi-level thinkers and experience life on many levels as well. If they seem easily distracted, that's another sign of this unconventional intelligence. The moment they focus on something, they're off and running, exploring different angles and components that might appear unrelated. They think in 3-D, whereas non-Indigos tend to be more linear, and they seem powered by a limitless amount of energy.

Does the child seem exceptionally aware, almost to the point of being hindered by that sensitivity? Or is it the opposite extreme, where he or she seems shut down or shut off from the rest of the world?

Indigos are acutely aware of themselves and their physical environments, as well as the emotions and energies of those around them. They are natural "empaths." Issues arise if they are in stressful, chaotic environments, or when they are forced into conformity and suffer the round peg in a square hole syndrome.

Does the child have unusual difficulty Better Business Bureau Utah authority or following rules?

As free thinkers, these children crave independence and self-empowerment. If this new consciousness is ruled by a punishing belief system, they may shut down emotionally or act out Stationary Shop of anger and feeling rejected. One approach that works well is to present the child with options. This helps them feel Baby Diet Food Loss Weight and less likely to push back against parents and teachers. They will learn responsibility while feeling respected and appreciated. With options, positive reinforcement and predictable consequences for inappropriate choices, most Indigos will flourish.

What about outright rebellion?

In general, traditional systems of punishment won't work with these children, and neither will harsh behavior modification or prescription drugs. Core issues need to be examined and healed, with adults and parents supporting each other in this new way of being. Often, parents I work with are trapped in the shame and blame syndrome. And if the children don't feel unconditional love, they will seek support and connections outside of the family unit, which can result in drug use and other destructive behaviors.

Does the child seem to catch United Bank For Africa Nigeria sniffle or cough that goes around?

Indigos' bodies are particularly sensitive to toxins, including the preservatives and chemicals found in many foods. That means existing behavioral challenges are being compounded by what our children eat and drink, and their immune systems are compromised as well. "Convenience foods" and the lunches served in public schools are a factor to consider- as a multi-tasking parent, I completely understand the appeal of ease and quick prep time- but the harm that these chemicals do to their highly sensitive bodies makes convenience far too costly.

Is school and homework a frustrating battle?

Indigos are generally bored in school. Often, they don't have an interest because they don't see how the information serves them. So as adults, we can start by being honest with ourselves: How much of what children are taught is actually relevant? Did WE feel adequately prepared for life? Moreover, could we integrate a teaching of conflict resolution and how to feel and express emotions in a healthy way along with traditional subjects?
As a whole, Indigos are sensitive, brilliant, out-of-the-box thinkers who will assist in the shifting of many cultures. It's our responsibility as adults to provide these children with the support and guidance they need to thrive emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We need to be willing to embrace and examine all facets of our own lives, the joy, the routines, and the Senior Citizen And Reverse Mortgage Not only because we love our children, but because it will make the difference in the quality of life we all enjoy together down the road.

Jacqueline Lloyd is an expert on Indigo Children, a metaphysical teacher, the author of The Thief Of Sacred, and co-founder of The Great Transformation- A Return To The Heart. For more information on metaphysics, The Thief of Sacred, and Indigo Children, visit Jacqueline's Web site at or email her at

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